Month 7: Edith Heath Oral History
This oral history, conducted as a series of interviews with Edith Heath in 1990-1994, was a fascinating glimpse into the thoughts and impressions of Heath Ceramics' founder.
At the start of the transcript is a note that an oral history should not be treated as fact, simply as a subjective impression. The need for this disclaimer is made apparent throughout the transcript, but the subjectiveness also adds an element of authenticity. Getting to hear Edith talk about her life, in her own words, from the early days on a Midwest farm to the very last years of her life, is an interesting look into how she saw the world around her, and how much that world changed during her lifetime. Some of her ideas and goals were incredibly prescient, and in other ways, it's amazing how little things have progressed in many decades.
She left quite a legacy through her work and business, and it's a pleasure to work at a company that is constantly pushing forward on that vision.