Resolutions, 2015


2014 was a weird one, with a lot of uncertainty and doubts. Here's hoping 2015 moves steadily upward.

I publicly set out intentions at the beginning of 2014 and surprised myself by referencing them on multiple occasions throughout the year. They served as a gentle reminder of what had once been a priority and acted as a benchmark by which to evaluate. Though there is no guarantee that they represent quality over quantity, I've followed suit for 2015 and recorded some of the things I would like to accomplish and am looking forward to in the new year.

Daily [✓ daily walks to work] At least 10 minutes of physical activity, whether a bike ride to work or a walk home, a jog up the hill or some time at the rec center.

Weekly Write something. Maybe in this space, maybe elsewhere. An intention to pull together thoughts and draw connections.

Quarterly Expand skills through classes, workshops and projects. A few initial things I'd like to learn: how to surf, how to turn on a lathe, how to make a quilt, and how to re-cane my dining chairs. Other ideas: further my calligraphy knowledge, make my own paper (and perhaps marble it), continue with ceramics classes, and take more woodworking classes.

And a few Monthly intentions:

January [✓] Finish the hallway shelving unit that has been about 20% complete all holiday season. This entails adding small cuts to the underside of the shelving so that they fit snugly on the brackets, staining (?) and finishing the wood shelves, adding the coat hooks, and installing.

February [✓ on its way there, but still a long list of projects to document and upload to the site] Overhaul portfolio with a focus on better presentation and photography.

March [✓]Travel to Dallas for Eric's cousin's wedding.

April [✓]Travel to New York for a Spring vacation.

May [✓]Visit Austin to celebrate Nicole's graduation.

June [✓ to LA, in July] House trip, perhaps to Seattle, Portland, or Palm Springs?

July [✓ Jan 1st of 2016!] Road trip to Big Sur, this time to camp and finally make it to the Esalen hot springs.

August [✓ 60 jars!] Clean up the backyard. Maybe even plant a fall/winter garden. Make lots of jam with summer produce bounty.

September [✓ Occidental and Dillon Beach] Family vacation, somewhere? Wine country or New Mexico, perhaps.

October [✓ promotion!] Job growth, or something personal about my career.

November [still very much a work in progress] Finish a quilt. Should probably start this now.

December [✓]Travel to Mississippi for Christmas.

Someday travel goals: Tulum, Japan [✓], Scandinavia.


Quilting Inspiration

