Resolutions, Reflections, and Intentions for 2016


I always enjoy taking a bit of time at the start of the year to reflect back on the resolutions made 1 year prior, to see where progress was made and where opportunity still abounds. :)

I was pleasantly surprised to note that most of my monthly goals were achieved, as was my daily intention of exercise. There were a lot of highlights over the past year, as noted below:

January brass spoon making workshop with Lue

February work off-site in Tahoe

March trip to Dallas for Eric's cousin's wedding; ski trip to Tahoe with friends; Tartine baking class

April first visit to New York!; attended a screening of City of Gold, which only further fueled my love for LA food

May camped in Big Sur; inspiration trip to Xanadu Gallery, the only SF building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright; trip to Austin for Nicole's graduation; invited by The Aesthetic Union to participate in their group pattern show, On and On; saw Jenny Lewis at the Fox

June attended a 1-day House lettering class with Ken Barber; family visited and we spent a few days in Occidental and Dillon Beach; Tania, our first graphic design intern, started!; trip to wine country with the boys (Shed, Unti, Acorn, Benziger)

July trip to LA for the 4th of July and work, plus Eric's surprise visit; whale watching for my birthday

August jam party to use up some of the 60 jars of plum jam I canned; toured Matt Kahn's incredibly inspiring house

September visited Japan!!; trip to visit family in Hobbs, NM; dinner in San Francisco with visiting family

October traveled to New York to attend the National Design Awards on behalf of Heath; job promotion; excellent Halloween party at Dr. Rick's Farmhouse Mansion

November visited Los Angeles for fun/work; led factory tours in Heath Sausalito on the myths and legends of Heath, overcoming fear of talking to groups; inspiration trip to the Letterform Archive; applied to and was accepted to the FactoryX fellowship, which I ultimately turned down

December traveled to spend Christmas with family in Mississippi; toured Anchor Steam brewing facility and attended a very sweet progressive dinner party with hosted by our neighbors; trip to wine country to celebrate Maribel's birthday

Looking ahead to 2016, I'm persevering to continue focusing on myself in an effort to stay centered and deepen the muscle memory of what the best version of myself looks like. After so thoroughly enjoying my time spent alone in Big Sur at the start of the new year, I wrote out some intentions for the year ahead based on the experiences that made that trip so special.


Use my muscles, appreciate their capability and power.


Pursue a healthy, balanced relationship with food. Try to limit eating to 9am–9pm window. Eater slower. Smaller portions. Fruits and vegetables in abundance.


Drink copious amounts.


Stay open and let new people come into my life. Learn from them. Approach the world with genuine curiosity.


Seek beauty in the world by visiting new places (even ones nearby). Don't be afraid to take space.


Don't be afraid to prioritize yourself. Carve out time for reading and writing.I'm looking forward to the 12 months ahead and to checking in on my progress in 2017 (yikes, that sounds terribly far off in the future!).


Things Strange Men Say To Me, part 1


Big Sur, January 2016